Sex Involving Teens:

Fact:One in two sexually active young people will contract an STD by age 25. Find a health center and get tested.


Standard 1: The student will demonstrate the ability to implement decision making and goal setting skills to promote his/her personal health and wellness, thereby enhancing quality of life for him/herself and those around him/her

Learning Expectations:
1.1 Analyze the effectiveness of personal decision making as it relates to future health and wellness outcomes.
1.5 Identify choices and examine alternatives and consequences of each choice when making decisions as it relates to healthy living.

SPI:Identify sexual feelings common to adolescents and differeniate between having sexual feelings and acting on them.
SPI:Identify reasons for abstaining from sexual activity (e.g. unplanned pregnancy, infections, infertility, and life -long wellness.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

As Parents, What Can We Do To Help?

We want our children to grow up to have healthy and happy lives. For most of us, this includes having rewarding relationships and sex lives.

To help them reach this goal,we need to give them the information they need to make responsible choices encourage them to take good care of their bodies help them build the confidence they need to respect themselves and other people earn their respect — if we can do that, they are more likely to look to us and other trusted adults for information when they need it

Teaching our children about sexuality is an ongoing process. They need a lot of information. They need to know about everything from anatomy to puberty to masturbation to healthy relationships.

Our children don’t all learn at the same rate. But here are some general guidelines that apply to most kids. They’re about what children need to know and what communication skills they need to have when it comes to sex and sexuality. We have grouped them according to what is appropriate for different age groups. We hope they are helpful.

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the things as parents that we can do is to help them understand at an early age what a precious gift it is to give yourself to your husband. I plan to do a rededication ceremony with Zion every year during her birthday with a special gift from the Lord.
